Monday, May 12, 2008

Climb-o-gasm Part Duh.

Jaime and I went to Boulder early yesterday for the Title 9k, annual Mother's Day run. Jaime's job was to pass out chocolate 1 k from the finish. Nice assignment. Rosebud and I hit the dog park for some quality pooing and sniffing. Then we went out for quick-casual dining experience at Pei Wei, also known and PF Chang's Jr.

When we got back to Summit, I went out intending to see if I could get to Copper so I could do an up-and-over to East Vail but the path through the canyon is still snow covered a few miles up. According to "The Wanker" the Vail Pass path is plowed from Copper and pretty clear down to Vail. Since I was intending to climb (stop rolling your eyes Jared!), I road Three Peaks, Wildernest and Swan Mountain. On Wildernest I saw track evidence of Schilling on the dirt section. I could tell by the tracks that they were about a hour and half old. I am guessing there was one but like Sand People, Schillings travel in a line to hide their numbers.

1 comment:

Jared Roy said...'re going to rip my legs off. i have not climbed at all this year