Monday, June 16, 2008

Glenwood Crit Race Report

Big fat DNS for this one. I ate something poisonous on Saturday which kept me in bed all day Sunday. No start for me but since I preregistered, I thought I should write my report. Woke up around 7...puked. Tried to eat something...puked. Denial about getting better was killed off around 10:30. Went back to bed after puking. Woke up around 2PM...puked. (BTW: when I say puked that doesn't really encompass the whole expulsion story but I know that some of you are squeamish so I'll keep it to puking)

Woke up to Jaime trying to get me to eat a bagel. Nibbled a bit and puked. A little later I was given a graham cracker. It took me 2 hours to eat it. I could eat soup around 6PM. Lost 4 pounds and had a great upper abdominal workout.

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