Friday, November 2, 2007

Oh So Mediocre

I have lived in Summit long enough to not expect much from the opening day of skiing at any of the resorts and this year Copper really rose to my expectations! One fantastic white strip of death polished to a crusty sheen by boarders (bless their little hearts) and the terminal intermediates. The Speed Douche Bags were out in force; this is probably the only day the entire season where they are useful. I need to go on record with opinion of the Speed Patrol (not sure of their actual title).

First of all they all ski like shit and should be spending time making turns instead of standing on the hill. The average level of competence in that group is terminal intermediate. This is where the basic problem lies. There is no basis of judgement whereby they can adequately determine who is and is not "in control". Speed is not necessarily an indicator of control and anyone on the hill can generally tell who has zero regard for the others and is skiing like a douche. Although these douches are rare, the resort thinks it needs a legion of incompetents pulling over anyone who they feel is skiing too fast. Again, I must stress that these are some of the shittiest skiers on the hill. Why would anyone want to take this rightfully unappreciated job? A free ski pass and the authority equivalent of a retail center rent-a-cop. This creates a deeper un-appreciation for the people themselves.

What kind of idiots would sell their ski seasons to be incompetent douche bags, blazoned in yellow and standing on the hill for a minimum of 15 days, and skiing like shit and not getting any better for a $350 season pass. The answer: the most insecure and lamest people on the planet. If you feel that you are lame and ski like shit, Copper's taking applications.

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