Friday, December 21, 2007

Another Year Has Gone By

Alright that's it! We got another one of those stupid, overly positive Christmas card inserts so here is my blog version going out to all of you. For maximum effect: normal text is best experienced if read like a gay, little weeny and Side Note text rantingly like Patrick O'Grady.

Another fantastic year has gone by and you wish you were us. The children are growing and are more special than ever. Our hearts rejoice for the love they bring to our lives each and every day (side note: "I f*ing hate these little cliches; each and every day, kiss my ass, each is every day and every day is each, so shut the f up and use one or the other, do you think I have time for your redundant bullshit!"). We have been so blessed this year. Regrettably we closed the art gallery after three glorious years of retail in Breckenridge. (SNG: Side Note Guy for you slow people: "Death of the Succubus! We are not going to miss you Texas F*ckwit Tourists and your constant snivelling. We will miss watching you eat shit on the sidewalk in your ill-considered footwear. Ha!") Jaime has taken on a new role with the Starbucks Corporation and they have yearned for her to advance in management. She really values her free time and has declined for now. We'll see what happens in the future (SNG: "no shit, really?"). Jaime is back into ski racing and is looking forward to challenging herself on the slopes. We have joined a Business League Team and are cherishing the time we can share together, zipping down the hill in our new speed suits. (SNG: "Oh, F*ing Puke). If it's anything like the time we spent together cycling it shall yet again reaffirm our love for each other, each and everyday day (SNG: "I warned you!")

Richard is more glorious than ever. He has joined Vitamin Cottage Cycling Team and awaits his debut in the new colors. His teammates are all extremely fantastic and the Summer of 2008 should be loads of fun for each and everyone (SNG: "Mother F*er!") He continues to run his business from home and just loves making those personal connections with clients!

The children, Rosebud and Audrey, have gotten perfect marks so far this year(SNG: "On the carpet"). We are awaiting final term report cards although I bet their awaiting Santa's Sleigh with even more anticipation ;) (SNG: "Nice Quip, F*ckwit").

We'll that's all from Frisco, CO. We cherish your friendship and especially the time you have taken out of your busy day to read how fantastic we are. We hope the New Year bring a blessing to you and yours, each and every day (SNG: "Arrrrrrrgh")

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